Monday, November 24, 2008


24th of Nov, 2008 ... monday, sunny .. but a bit cold today ~~
happy birthday to SARAH !!!!
still the same, i woke up a bit early today .. cos want to fetch my sis to training !!
actually everyday i woke up very early, bcos TUITION ma !!!!!
wake up early because 1) afraid that traffic jam
2) no nice place in the biggest room
and then .... go and get the medicine for my mum ~~ then, fetch my sister back from school
abit busy ..abit tired .. abit ... abit .. abit ..
haha, the surprised hour has been started ..
sarah and me went to HAINAM KOPITIAM to having our lunch ~~
in this time, we talk many topics .. about my life about her life and about our life ~~ haha
many nonsenses i wrote today !!!! OMG !!!!
ok, when we reached kolej bandar for account tuition, most of my friends and classmates got surprised why i'm staying here .. bcos i didn't mention that i were not follow them to langkawi trip since last saturday !! (bcos i want to give them a surprise !!! haha)
ok ok . . today our account tuition topic is "pembubaran perkongsian" with peraturan "Garner lawan Murray"
langkawi guys : wish u can follow the note without mr.ho teaching !!! haha
ok ~~
take care to all guys who read my blog !!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

last day of school

14th of Nov, raining day
i'm ...
happy in the morning,
moodless in the afternoon ..
because of headache ?? i don't think so ..
because of ............. i don't know
what caused me moodless today ??
i'm be ok now ... let it pass me away as far as possible ...
all right, year end holidays begin ~~
i should plan something that can let me did do done many meaningful things in this holidays
guys, is the time to plan it now !!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008


哎呀,今天吃得好饱啊!!不过怎么样饱也不够 kong yao 饱!!(他饱到车轮也跑出来了,哈哈!〕
kong yau 就好啦!!吃两场,吃完这里吃那里 。够幸福咯!!
but, it's ok, as well as he drive and let us rest !!! haha !!
what he said was his spare tayar was came out !! haha !!
i felt that oo !!! is the time u has to keep fit lo !!!
actually, me too .. i also have to keep ft and health these days ~~
less fast food, less soft drinks, less sugar, less salt, less "salty wet boy" haha !!
hei hei, i haven't finished my blog yet,
when we were going to mid .. the boy who drove was gave me a very unforgatable memoeries,
bcos, he drove like playing !!!! but i have to say thanks to him la (he help me found a parking ma!)
aiyo, he let me felt scare when we back !! bcos he played a "dangerous game" with my car !!
omg !!! but i trust him will not get accident !! cos he's very "pro" ma !! haha !!
on the way, we talk many nonsenses and laugh like a "_ _", and some drivers were look at us like "_ _" (i will not mantion the word, u guys guest la) ..
at the end
at the end
at the end, i have to say thanks to kong yau and sok fun that they gave me a shock shock and shock memories !!
and, this for yau and fun : is the time both of u go and register a place at Hospital Bahagia... haha !!
ok, bye !!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


最近总是被一些事情烦着~~真搞不清楚到底是怎么一回事 ..
学业 ? 爱情 ?亲情 ? 还是 ....
爱情是百分百没可能, 没恋怎么样爱呢?
倒可能是学业吧 ? 因为这次成绩考到一团糟 !!
之前以为自己设下一条规矩 : 求学时期休想拍拖, 求学时期休想看演唱会, 求学时期休想 .....
啊 !!!!!!!!! 好烦啊 !!!!!!!!!!!!
我到底是在烦些什么 ????!!!!!!!!!
有谁能告诉我 ????!!!!