Saturday, December 12, 2009

a sad and disappointed trip

i bring a full wishness to there for meet my buddy ...
i couldn't sleep well because i can't wait for it ..
however ... it is never become true to what i wished before ..
some body have changed .. somebody remain the same ..
i am very happy that somebody have good changed - become a pretty girl, mature and good listening ..
but the changed that made me so disappointed that my 2 buddies have a very bad changed .. they smoke and always keep speaking a very "nice" words ...

就为了你们的健康着想,你们戒烟吧 !
但我不想看见你们旧病复发的信息在我手机出现 !
你们可以答应我吗?下次来探望你们的时候,我很想看见健康的你们, 能吗?